Lifeway Digital

Skills: UI Design & Development, Illustration

LifeWay Digital is a Wordpress site that I was able to design and develop from the ground up with Brandon Woodall. The client wanted one marketing location for their users to view all of the tools the company had created. We even decided to create a template illustration pallet to connect with the brand.

LifeWay Digital Desktop Version
LifeWay Digital Mobile Version

Cart Dropdown

Skills: UI Development & Design, UX Design

Worked through creating a way for users to see and interact with their cart items without having to visit their cart. This would reduce unnecessary cart visits until the user is ready to checkout. Increases customer satisfcation.

See Case Study See Site
Cart Dropdown
LifeWay Digital Mobile Version

Product Grid Quickview

Skills: UI Development & Design, UX Design

This design gave users the ability to view details about an item from the product grid without having to visit the item's product detail page. It highlights the most important and most interacted with pieces based off of user data. This design was able to lead to more customer interactions and resulted in increased conversions and revenue.

See Case Study See Site
Product Grid Quickview

Bible Studies For Life Redesign

Skills: UI/Frontend Development, Wordpress Development

This site is probably one of my favourites. My trusty partner Justin Aven, and I worked together on the development of this site. We were able to create a lot of re-usable sections of code, which imporoved the efficiency and made the job a lot easier for the client. So much work went into it and we both are pretty proud of it. Why not check it out?!

See Full Site
Bible Studies For Life
Bible Studies For Life Mobile